Lauren & Jon's
1st Anniversary Party

JUNE 25, 2011  • 



Guest Info




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Guest Book


Wedding Website


June 25th is SO close, so please let Lauren & Jon know if you can attend either way by Monday, June 20th so they can figure out how many people to account for as far as hamburgers, hot dogs, etc. Just fill out the form below! Make sure to include your full name as well as the full names of your significant other and/or kids that are coming with you. Before submitting your RSVP, please check the Pot Luck List Here to see what people have already signed up to bring. Thank you! :D    (* = Required Field)

Your Full Name:*

Your Email:*

Your Phone Number:*

Your Mailing Address:*

Are you attending:* Yes!   Sorry, I can't!

Full Names of your significant other and/or children attending:

What are you bringing for the pot luck: (please check the list first)

Will you be camping or participating in the open-mic?
Any other questions/comments: